6 Ways to Choose a Slower-Paced Life
Do you race around like at a break-neck speed trying to get all the things done? Take a few minutes and read this article. Get a few ideas you can incorporate in your life to help slow your roll.
Let's Get Off the Struggle Bus
We don’t have to live running on the hamster wheel anymore. There is more to life than constantly pushing ourselves out of fear and shame. We have options!
Where Are Your Sweetest Places of Respite?
This rush lifestyle of the world doesn't get to boss us around. We can live powerfully in spite of the fast paced lifestyles of those around us. Check out the article and learn an easy way to chose a moment of respite in the midst of your life.
Slow Down to Listen to Your Life
Did you know you life has a sound? You just might be surprised to figure out what the sound of your life is right now! Click through to find out!
Are you tired? Worn out? How about rest?
Why do we live in a constant state of rush and hurry? Despite what the world tells us we do have options. Check out the post today and grab a few ideas to help you choose rest.