The whole world is beautiful,
The art is in the seeing.

Camille Pissarro

Creating and writing have been a part of my entire life as threads of it have been woven throughout. I must have been born to desire a great pen and wonderful paper. I would create my stationery before people even did that kind of thing. I loved sending letters to long-distance friends who had my envelopes created with vintage wrapping paper.

I am amazed at how art has been a constant thread through all the years. One of the few classes I took as a child was an art class. (Read more about that HERE.) I had an amazing art teacher in middle school and a professor in college who encouraged me. I studied in Southern France at the Leo Marchutz School during college. While raising our four children (and homeschooling them) I taught summer art classes for children at a local university. But at 50 I have pulled out the paints and leaned in on the writing. It is so exciting to have the time and space to create and write full-time…for the first time in my life. What an exciting adventure! There is so much beauty and truth all around us and it is my heart to put it on display.

I love to find the gold in all situations and each creative piece is about finding that gold in my subjects. My prayer is that each creative piece would encourage the buyer/collector to see the gold in and around them as well. I want to inspire others toward hope and joy. My art is a reminder to others that they are seen and loved.